Mission: Berean Baptist Church (BBC) is a grace filled community of believers who exalt the name of Jesus Christ through loving God, loving one another and proclaiming the truth of God’s Word.
Vision: BBC are ambassadors in the great redemptive work of God for which we were saved, called and equipped. We are to glorify God through our Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit; treasuring all that God is and loves, praying for His purposes, and meditating on His Word, while being sustained by His grace and mercy.
Purpose Statement: The purpose statement spells out the details of how BBC will carry out our mission and vision statement.
“Ambassadors”: Since Jesus no longer walks the earth in the flesh, followers of Christ are His ambassadors, speaking and acting on His behalf for those who do not know Him. Christians, as the body of Christ, are His head, hands and heart to those who need Him. (Eph. 6:20, 2Cor.5:17-21)
“Great Redemptive work of God”: God’s character is manifested in His Righteousness, Holiness, Purity, Justice, Love, Sovereign Authority…etc. And man is created in His image, but has fallen short. Therefore, reconciliation is achieved in the divine act of redemption from the Father’s judgement, which man deserves, by the blood of Christ, the only worthy sacrifice. For Jesus is the only worthy sacrifice to meet God’s demand for His perfect holiness; due to His total identification with mankind, as the incarnate Christ. He came to man as Emanuel, God with us, to redeem all of mankind. (Jn.1:1-3, Col. 1:13-14, 1Thess.3:13, Isa.7:14)
“Saved”: It is the condition of placing our faith, which is trusting in the promise of God in Christ, for personal salvation, without any effort on the part of the individual. The only requirement is to respond in faith to the call of God to “His great redemptive work” in Christ on the Cross. This response of faith satisfies the offense of the curse of sin, causing them to be born again. (1Jn.5:12, Eph.2:8-9, Jn.3:3-7)
“Called”: This is the process by which the Father draws (or calls) a person to Himself. It includes God’s opening of a person’s mind to understand spiritual truth, and it is literally an invitation to salvation for that individual; and being called, we become adopted into God’s family, and are ambassadors of Christ. (Rom.8:28, 2Tim.1:9)
“Equipped”: God, through the Holy Spirit, manifests Himself, through the Church of God in different ways. He equips each believer with at least one spiritual gift. We do not all have the same gifts as we are not all constituted alike and do not all have the same ministry committed to us. These gifts are given for the edification of the body of Christ, that Christ may be exalted through us. To one may be given the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge. To one may be given the gift of faith to accomplish a certain special work, to one may be given the gift of teaching or ministering. There is an endless list of gifts given to believers as God entrusts us with them. The greatest gift is love, “The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us.” Every gift is given for the glory of God, and is not in any sense for the glory of the individual possessing that gift. (Rom.5:5, Eph.4:12-16)
“Glorify God”: To glorify God is to acknowledge, to the best of our ability, all of the attributes of God, often manifested in the incarnate life of Jesus Christ, and also manifested through the Holy Spirit. It is to give God the highest honor that should be given to Him by everyone and everything in the universe. “For the heavens declare the glory of God.” It is the honor shared among the members of the Trinity. God’s glory is something that belongs to Him alone. We should always strive to glorify God through prayer, our thoughts, our words, and through our deeds toward our brethren. God created us for His glory, and therefore we are to “do all to the glory of God.” (Lk.19:40, Ps.19:1, Isa.43:7, 1Cor.10:31).
“The power of the Holy Spirit”: His power flows from the God-Head and is the very presence of God touching all the creation of heaven and earth. It is by the person of the Holy Spirit that we are united with Christ the Lord. It is by the wisdom of Christ that we are given understanding of the Scripture. And through the personal indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to obey the character of Christ. In the Holy Spirit we are overcoming sin in our persons and are able to live godly lives in a fallen world, exercising personal victory. He connects us with God, and is our deepest friend. (Rom.8)
“Treasuring”: To treasure the character of God is to abandon all other mindsets based on human values. Prioritizing God’s word as the source of our daily walk with Christ. This overflows into treasuring the effectiveness of the local church fellowship. (Ps.119)
“Praying for His purposes”: This means to pray for God’s will to be accomplished. What is His will? The Word of God. We accomplish this by faith and obedience; in the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to glorify God. We do this by praying individually and corporately, as we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. (2Cor.1:20, 1Jn.5:14-15, Rom.12:1-2, Heb.4:16, Jn.14:13-14, Phil.4:6-7, 2Cor.1:11)
“Meditate on His Word”: This means to abide by, and stay connected to God’s Word. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. However, it’s not just enough to meditate on the Word, believers also need to obey His commands. We accomplish this by keeping God’s Word as the source and foundation of truth, which guards believers against false teaching. (Jn.8:31-32, Jn.14:15, 1Jn.3:18, Acts17:11-12, Jos.1:8)
“Sustained by His grace and mercy”: Grace: Grace is the kindness of God our Savior toward man, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done…we are justified by His grace.” When we by faith receive God’s grace our position in Him is fully realized. Therefore, we grow in grace, not into grace. God’s grace is that matchless, wonderful, act on His part when He, out of the infinite love of His heart, stepped down from His judgment throne in heaven to take upon Himself the guilt of our sin and penalty which is justly ours; not doing this for His friends, but for His enemies.
“Mercy”: Mercy is the compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone by whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. In other words, when we receive mercy, we are not given the punishment that we deserve. Instead we are granted clemency through compassion. God’s mercy is one of unmatched sacrifice. At its core, mercy is forgiveness. God extended His mercy toward us when He forgave us our sins through His Son. He shielded us from the punishment we deserved because of our sin. We show mercy to others by reflecting the mercy that Christ showed us. Mercy is forgiveness, mercy is patience, mercy is love. God gives mercy for past failures and grace for present needs. (Grace: Titus 3:5-7, Rom.5:10, Rom.8:1) (Mercy: Eph.4:32, Heb.4:16)